Design of an Active Seat Suspension based on the Kempe Mechanism

M. Hoić, N. Kranjčević, D. Birt
21st International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika (ME), Brno, Czech Republic
The paper presents a cost-effective design of an active seat suspension intended to be tested on an existing car seat shaker test rig. The active seat suspension is based on the Kempe mechanism, is suitable for low-cost mass production, and aims to enhance passenger comfort with an emphasis on autonomous vehicle applications. The system is designed based on the requirements gained through computer simulations of active-seat suspension-equipped vehicles and the dimensions that correspond to the rigid suspension seat typically employed in B-segment passenger vehicles. The proposed design includes four main subsystems: (i) carrier based on Kempe straight line linkage mechanism, (ii) actuator based on the spindle, rotational servomotor, and rhomboidal set of levers, (iii) set of four torsional springs, and (iv) adjustable damper.
active seat suspension; test rig; CAD model