Battery Current and Voltage Control System Design with Charging Application

D. Pavković, M. Lobrović, M. Hrgetić, A. Komljenović, V. Smetko
Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Multiconference on Systems and Control (IEEE MSC 2014), pp. 1133-1138, Antibes, Francuska
This paper presents the design of battery charging control system suitable for different battery types. A PI controller-based battery current control system is designed with the aim of achieving robust control system behavior over a wide range of battery internal resistance variations. In order to enhance the battery current control system performance, an adaptation mechanism comprising a Kalman filter-based battery internal resistance estimator has been designed and tested. The current control system is commanded by a superimposed battery voltage controller aimed at bringing the battery terminal voltage to the fully-charged state while also limiting the maximum battery charging current. The effectiveness of the proposed battery charging cascade control system has been verified experimentally on the battery test setup for a VRLA battery and LiFePO4 cell.This paper presents the design of battery charging control system suitable for different battery types. A PI controller-based battery current control system is designed with the aim of achieving robust control system behavior over a wide range of battery internal resistance variations. In order to enhance the battery current control system performance, an adaptation mechanism comprising a Kalman filter-based battery internal resistance estimator has been designed and tested. The current control system is commanded by a superimposed battery voltage controller aimed at bringing the battery terminal voltage to the fully-charged state while also limiting the maximum battery charging current. The effectiveness of the proposed battery charging cascade control system has been verified experimentally on the battery test setup for a VRLA battery and LiFePO4 cell.
batteries; voltage control; resistance; control systems; current control; damping; tuning