Pointing and Tracking Position Control System for Electrical Drives with Elastic Transmission

J. Deur, N. Perić
9th International Conference and Exhibition on Power Electronics and Motion Control - EPE PEMC, Vol. 7, pp. 1-6, Košice, Slovak Republic
The design of a cascade position control system for electrical drives with considerable transmission elasticity is presented. Two types of inner speed controller are considered: a full-order state controller and a polynomial controller with motor or load speed feedback. The speed control loop is designed according to the damping optimum with the main task to damp drive torsional vibrations. The superimposed position control system is realized by utilizing a proportional position controller. A simple analytical method of the position controller tuning is proposed for the cases of motor and load position feedback. For the application in tracking systems, the position control loop is extended by a feedforward controller located in the position reference branch. The feedforward controller of arbitrary order is designed according to the magnitude optimum. The behavior of the designed pointing and tracking position control system is experimentally examined for different stiffnesses of drive transmission.
servo drives; position control; feedforward control; motion control; elastic transmission