Applications of Computational Optimal Control to Vehicle Dynamics

J. Deur, M. Čorić, J. Kasać, F. Assadian, D. Hrovat
In "Optimization and Optimal Control in Automotive Systems" (Eds. H. Waschl et. al.), pp. 131-145, Springer
Modern vehicle dynamic control systems are based on new types of ac-tuators, such as active steering and active differentials, in order to improve the overall handling performance including stability, responsiveness, and agility. Nu-merical techniques of off-line optimization of vehicle dynamics control variables can conveniently be used to facilitate decisions on optimal actuator configurations and provide guidance for design of realistic, on-line controllers. This paper over-views the previous authors' results of assessment of various vehicle dynamics ac-tuator configurations based on application of a back propagation through time (BPTT) conjugate gradient optimization algorithm. It is then focused on detailed optimization of active front and rear steering control variables for various maneu-vers and design specifications, where a nonlinear programming-based optimiza-tion tool is used.
optimal control; vehicle control; BPTT algorithm