Modeling and Analysis of Active Differential Dynamics

J. Deur, V. Ivanović, M. Hancock, F. Assadian
ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 132, No. 6, pp. 061501/1-13
Active differentials are used to improve the overall performance of traction control and vehicle dynamics control systems. This paper presents the development of a unified mathematical model of active differential dynamics using the bond graph modeling technique. The study includes active limited slip differential and various common types of torque vectoring differentials. Different levels of model complexity are considered, starting from a second-order model with lumped input and output inertia toward higher-order models including the gear inertia and half-shaft compliance. The model is used for a theoretical analysis of drivability and time response characteristics of the active differential dynamics. The analysis is illustrated by simulation results.
active differential; dynamics system; modeling; bond graph