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Lugner P. (eds) Vehicle Dynamics of Modern Passenger Cars. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (Courses and Lectures), pp. 109-204 Springer, 2019. -
Optimization-Inspired Control Strategy for a Magnus Effect-Based Airborne Wind Energy System
In: "Airborne Wind Energy - Advances in Technology Development and Research", (Ed. R. Schmehl), pp. 303-333, Springer, 2018. -
Applications of Computational Optimal Control to Vehicle Dynamics
In "Optimization and Optimal Control in Automotive Systems" (Eds. H. Waschl et. al.), pp. 131-145, Springer, 2014. -
Clutch Actuation
Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering, pp. 1-19, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2014. -
Fundamentals of Electrical Drive Controls
UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Chap. 6.39.21, 2012. -
Vehicle Controls
Ch. 3 of "The Control Handbook: Control System Applications, Second Edition", William S. Levine (Ed.), pp. 3.1-3.60, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2011.